Monday, February 18, 2008
Another Milestone
Brianna had a visit with a dentist at the beginning of the year. She had bumped her front tooth on the rocking chair in the living room a week before Christmas doing her "dancing spins". I was home at the time and there was screaming again for about the third time that night. I didn't race in because I just figured it was another scuffle between the kids and I was in the middle of cleaning the sink. I asked what was wrong as Bree went racing by the bathroom with blood on her hands. I examined her tooth and I thought she almost knocked it out. It was still in but it did wiggle. At firmed up again in the next day or two but I was still scared that it was too far gone and it would die. Christmas Eve came and the kids were running around as usual and Aidan did an abrupt 180 right in front of Bree whose mouth was of course even with his forehead. Another good whack on the same tooth reinjuring it. Of course now it just kept getting darker and we had to figure out what we needed to do.

We made an appointment with a Pediatric Dentist in Green Bay the first week of January. She did a cleaning, xrays, and exam (the first complete dentist visit she has had). Bree was not exactly what you would call the perfect patient. It started with the x-rays...bad thing to start with. She was so upset with having to have those bite wings in her mouth that it went downhill from there. I can't really blame her on the bite wings though. I hate those things in my mouth. Anyway, she was pretty upset about the noise from the cleaning but we got through it. Luckily they had chocolate flavored toothpaste. They said to watch the tooth and come back in a month or so to check it again. In the meantime if the gum started to look red or infected the tooth would have to be removed. That wasn't all of the good news, she had cavities. Yes that was cavities, three to be exact. Sigh. One was very small however but that was small consulation. We had to come back to check on the tooth so we just picked a date to do both.
By mid January the tooth was still dark and had seemed to get even darker than when we were at the dentist a couple of weeks prior. I thought for sure she would end up with an extraction when we went back down. I was already dreading the fillings but an extraction on top of it, I thought I would never be able to get her in a dental office again. Unbelievably by the end of the month the tooth looked like it was lightening. At first I thought I was imagining it but it really was getting lighter. What a relief. Answered prayers. Anyway I was feeling a little better about the "dying" tooth but still dreading the fillings. I was hoping it would go a little better than last time because there wouldn't be any xrays.
Bruce and I went down to the dentist on Feb 5 for her appointment. The dentist did say we could bring a set of headphones and music for her to listen too while she was working on her teeth. I hoped that would help with her sensitivity to the sound of the drill. We both sat on the edge of our seats the entire time she was in there. They don't let parents in when they are going to be working on the kids teeth because the kids usually act up more when a parent is present. We didnt hear any screaming coming from the back room so we were wondering if the room was sound proof or if she was doing well. It was a looonngg half hour. We finally saw her emerge and give the assistant a high five. Bruce and I started to breathe again. The assistant came out and said she did just wonderful and she only whined for a couple of minutes at the beginning and was great after that. They filled the two on the one side. The small one on the other side they filled but they didn't even have to numb it was so close to the surface. They said the front tooth looked good but to continue to watch it in case it gets dark again or it looks infected. Bree was pretty happy with the tatoos and stickers. On the way home we asked her how she liked the dentist. She said it was fun. What a relief.....although that thought may not last very long.
Not exactly a milestone we wanted to achieve but Brianna got her first fillings.
As an update, Bree's front tooth is just a shade or two darker than her other teeth now with no signs of infection. I am grateful that God decided to let her keep her tooth...for now. I am sure she will have a gaping hole there in a couple of years. :)
One for the history books
2 Toddlers + 1 Tub Eurcerin + Indirect Adult Supervision = The Clip Below
We were all sitting in the living room occupied with ourselves for about 20 minutes or so. Brianna had gone downstairs to watch a video and we assumed that the two little ones went with her so it didn't really occur to us that it was quiet....too quiet. Owen suddenly burst into the room and stated, "We're playing with lotion!" We quickly got up to investigate and my thoughts went immediately to the pump lotion on the back of the toilet in the bathroom. A big mess may have happened but it wouldn't be so hard to clean. Unfortunately Owen ran right by the bathroom and into...our bedroom. The scene that unfolded before us was ...well you saw the clip. Of course it couldn't just be regular lotion but Eucerin, basically the consistency of pure Crisco. We had a good clean up crew though and the best tool to help in the clean up was a shower scraper (the kind you squeege the walls of the shower off with after you clean it). We used it to scrape the lotion off of the walls, dressers, and any other flat surface. Fantastic and Windex seemed to help with some of the greasy aftermath. Owen and Kyla were totally oblivious to the disaster and were very proud of their accomplishment.
This has never happened with Owen or Kyla before and we finally figured out how. Kyla had never gotten into the Eucerin before and it had been in the same place for months. I realized why, she couldn't get the top off. She didn't know how to unscrew the lid. Well guess who knew how. The two masterminds worked together to pull off an incident that will go down in the annals of Olson and Jenness history.
Maybe we could win $100,000 on America's Funniest Home Videos. I will never laugh at those poor people again with the kids that "decorate" the house....(well, yes I will but I will definitely feel their pain).
On the bright side, Owen and Kyla will not need to worry about having dry hands for quite some time.