Here is the latest Olson family photo. It was taken after a family night we had a couple of weeks ago. We so rarely have a family photo that I thought I should share it.
Aunty Randa, Uncle Dan and Jeremiah came up to visit a couple of weeks ago. The kids really had a great time playing together, especially when we took them to the park in Quinnesec. Pretty soon the girls will have another cousin to play with. Boy or girl we don’t know but we are (un)patiently waiting.
I don't know if it is just my kids or if all kids have this "kangaroo syndrome" with blanket sleepers. My kids have the tendency to unzip them part of the way down and start filling the legs/tummy portion with toys. Kyla loves using Little People. Here she is nine months pregnant with some stuffed animals and then with legs filled almost to bursting with Little People. It was a wonder she could walk.
Just a quick update on Bree's front tooth. It is doing great. You saw how dark it was in the previous picture back in January, this is the tooth as of March.
Yes I know this is an "old news" post but I have a hard time sitting at the computer at night without someone on my lap.