Both girls are enrolled in preschool programs this year. How did they get so big already? Kyla started this week and Bree will start on October 9th. They attend Tuesday through Friday, Kyla from 11 - 1:30 and Bree 12 - 2:30. Kyla really seems to enjoy it and is so proud of the papers she brings home every day. She didn't get to ride on the bus this year because it would have been an hour long ride for her. Luckily she has a good daddy who is willing and able to bring her. We aren't sure of Bree's bus schedule yet but I hope it works out well.
Anyway, here is a picture of our "baby" holding her first school project after her first day of school. Isn't she cute???

Yes!! Adorable. --Kel
She is so proud of herself.
Wow. Kyla in school. Aaron kept asking me why Kyla was in school and not Bree. He was so confused!
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